
Cetaceans are a mysterious and wonderful selection of animals to photograph and film and allow for an entirely new way of experiencing nature. You’ll notice from a number of these images that they’re shot from drones; these are all flown at a safe altitude to allow the animal’s comfort but also open up a hither-to hidden world from above. I hope you enjoy this selection

A Dolphin on the Firth

The moray firth has a healthy population of around two hundred bottle nose dolphins which can be regularly seen along the coast. I love watching these four metre dolphins breeching - showcasing the sheer power behind each one!

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When the basking sharks come to the surface, they do so in great numbers and the males can be seen following the females around in hopes of mating. It’s a rare sight to see these usually solitary animals coming together!

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The Basking Sharks and the Boat

This shot was taken in Ireland not far from Courtmacsherry. In the spring, the basking sharks make their way to the coastline to feed and breed. These gentle giants are more than happy to cruise alongside the boats as they are far more interested in eating than bothering with humans

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Red Squirrels