Scottish Red Squirrels

Scotland remains one of the few strongholds for the red squirrel in the UK. These adorable little mammals have been pushed out by the introduced grey squirrels but thrive in the Caledonian forests. Watchings and photographing these guys is one of my favourite pastimes and always a challenge given their speed!

Creeping Through the Undergrowth

I always say, getting low to the ground and getting to eye level is the secret to an engaging image. That’s why it’s so lovely to get close to this red squirrel and he hunted around for his nuts!

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Having a Snack

Red squirrels lose around 70% of the nuts they hide, making them really important for the environment as they spread seeds around the forests. This particular one hasn’t lost anything though!

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Hungry and Alert

Red squirrels are always on alert for predators in their forest homes - even when they’re eating!

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Sea Birds


Whales, Dolphins and Sharks