Wildlife Photography Workshops
When I started doing photography a year and a half ago I didn’t think I would have embraced it as much as I have. Getting out with my camera every day for an hour or so has not only helped me with stress and anxiety, it’s also made me realise quite how much I love wildlife tracking, behaviour and identification.
I’m very fortunate that photography has brought me into contact with some amazing photographers! I’ve been to Bass Rock with Brian Mathews and to sparrowhawks with Richard Campion. With each encounter I’ve (hopefully) learned new skills and practices.
Anyway, I’ve been dabbling in some wildlife photography workshops over the last few months and I’ve had some great responses from individuals all over Hampshire. We’ve been to Anton Lakes, Winchester, and all over the new forest
The workshops are pretty flexible with a strong focus on animal biology and wildlife tracking and IDing, as well as plenty of work on photography (of course!) There is an element of luck to every workshop as wildlife doesn’t necessarily play by the rules but if you really want to improve your skills and hopefully learn something new then I’ve put a contact sheet at the bottom of this post - just get hold of me through my instagram or facebook; or send me an email directly from this website. 😊 It’d be great to hear from you. Costs are flexible but start at £50 for 90 minutes.
Hopefully hear from you guys soon!
Here’s me wittering on about turkey tail fungi on some logs in the new forest!